Anette Mehl Landmark



1998 Studies and humanitarian work, YWAM, Lausanne, Sveits og Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paolo, Brasil

1999 Fredtun peoples college, drama, Stavern, Norway

2001 Music, College of Oslo, Norway

2002 Theatre and Drama, College of Oslo, Norway

2004 Art and Design: College of Oslo, Norway

2006 Art History, University of Oslo, Norway


2004 Religious Studies, The Theologicla Faculty of Oslo, Norway

2004 Exhibition, Kaffekopp Café Ullevålsveien, Oslo, Norway

2005 Exhibition, Kaffekopp Cafè Ullevålsveien Oslo, Norway

2005 Decoration of store, Lauvland optikk, Arendal, Norway

2006 “Who stole my dialogue?”, College of Oslo, Norway

2007 “Art Alarm” Gallery Agn, Eidsfoss, Norway

2009 Festival artist, live performance, TT-09: Fjellhallen Gjøvik, Norway

2009 Summer/Fall: Commissioned decoration of library and city hall of Gjøvik, Norway

2009 Fall/Winter: Paintings for concert stage at the festival: Kennel Connects, Norway

2010 Spring, commissioned mural Tonsen Church, Norway